Texture Ids For Custom Glove In Slap Battles (2025)

1. Give me a decal ID | Fandom - Slap Battles Wiki

  • Feb 20, 2023 · Defense id: 9509864794=rock(I think). 10368976702=glove(I think). They might need to be swapped around, but yea, here you go.

  • Don't try to give me a stupid one

Give me a decal ID | Fandom - Slap Battles Wiki

2. CUSTOM | Slap Battles Wiki - Fandom

  • You can customize the texture for your rock by going to the Roblox Creator Marketplace and finding a decal ID to use. You can also do the same for the glove ...

  • Not to be confused with MEGAROCK, which has the same ability of killing people when touched, and Diamond which has the same ability as turning into a rock. CUSTOM is a gamepass glove added on March 12th, 2022, and is the 3rd out of the 4 gamepass gloves usable in Slap Battles, with the others being OVERKILL, Spectator, and Ultra Instinct. It costs 525 and has customizable stats and a customizable MEGAROCK mode. On the stand, it looks like the Space glove with green glowing effects. When equipped

CUSTOM | Slap Battles Wiki - Fandom

3. Roblox texture ID list — how to use Roblox texture IDs | LEVVVEL

Roblox texture ID list — how to use Roblox texture IDs | LEVVVEL

4. slap battles custom glove texture id & texture id - Kwai

  • Mar 19, 2024 · 14M posts Discover videos related TO slap battle custom gloves,slap battle custom glove design,slap battle custom glove design,glove texture ...

  • 14M posts Discover videos related TO slap battle custom gloves,slap battle custom glove design,slap battle custom glove design,glove texture ID,slap battle gloves,texture ID for custom gloves,texture ID for custom gloves,slap battle custom gloves,slap battle gloves with custom texture,slap battle gloves with custom texture,custom textured slap battle gloves,custom textured slap battle gloves,custom slap gloves,custom slap gloves,glove texture ID,slap battle gloves

slap battles custom glove texture id & texture id - Kwai

5. Anyone got the diamond glove's glove texture? | Fandom - Slap Battles Wiki

  • Apr 17, 2023 · Does anyone have an id for diamond glove's Glove texture? ... I did not add it as either sorry, i tried adding it into the custom glove's glove ...

  • I want to make my custom glove look exactly like…

Anyone got the diamond glove's glove texture? | Fandom - Slap Battles Wiki

6. What are some texture IDs for Slap Battles? - Playbite

What are some texture IDs for Slap Battles? - Playbite

7. 100+ Best Decal IDs in Roblox (September 2024) - Beebom

  • Sep 1, 2024 · Decals in Roblox allow you to use almost any custom images within the game. We have collected some of the best working image IDs you can start ...

  • Explore some of the best decal IDs for Roblox with codes and image previews. This list includes anime, funny, horror, and many other decals.

100+ Best Decal IDs in Roblox (September 2024) - Beebom

8. New materials IDs for new textures help - Developer Forum | Roblox

  • May 25, 2022 · Sometimes in my games I like to use materials like Grass, Slate etc… but with a semi-transparent effect. I've done this by finding the ...

  • Sometimes in my games I like to use materials like Grass, Slate etc… but with a semi-transparent effect. I’ve done this by finding the textures from here: Roblox and then applying them as textures and setting some transparency to them. I’d like to do this with the new roblox Materials, like “Ground” but these new materials have not been uploaded by that account. Does anyone know how the person who uploaded those found the PNG files of the textures and how I can get access to a decal version of t...

New materials IDs for new textures help - Developer Forum | Roblox

9. What Are Some Texture IDs for Slap Battles? - Playbite

  • Mar 18, 2024 · As of now, Slap Battles doesn't publicly share specific texture IDs. Players usually customize their characters and items through the in-game store.

  • What are some texture IDs for Slap Battles? Find out how to customize your game and how Playbite can elevate your experience.

What Are Some Texture IDs for Slap Battles? - Playbite

10. slap battles custom glove texture id & acquiring t - Kwai

  • 9M posts Discover videos related TO slap battle custom gloves,slap battle custom glove design,slap battle custom glove design,glove texture ID,slap battle ...

  • This is the "Lure" glove in slap battles. To get it you gonna need the "Catch them all" badge. This badge requires you to use the leash glove. LEASH POWER: 52 SPEED: 16. And you need to leash 3 different players. A kraken user ish. And a squid user. A fish user. Leash all of these players and you will get the badge. Anyway here is the ability. The ability is called "Lure"Minecraftfanboy357 So when you slap someone a timer appears above their head. Pressing E will spawn what seems to be a whirlpool in time. The slapped user then needs to reach this whirlpool in time. This is the "Lure" glove in slap battles,ArchiePlush,LureArchiePlush. Lure.

slap battles custom glove texture id & acquiring t - Kwai

11. Soundtracks - Slap Battles Wiki - Fandom

  • ... CUSTOM glove, as they can easily find the music IDs they need. Some songs are created exclusively for Slap Battles and can only be used within the game ...

  • Not to be confused with Sound Effects. Soundtracks in Slap Battles are musical compositions crafted by various artists, featured exclusively for special gloves like Killstreak or MEGAROCK. This page aims to introduce players to new music they might not have encountered otherwise. Additionally, this page is beneficial for players using Radio or CUSTOM glove, as they can easily find the music IDs they need. Some songs are created exclusively for Slap Battles and can only be used within the game, w

Soundtracks - Slap Battles Wiki - Fandom

12. Textures and Decals | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

  • Once you import the image, Studio assigns it a unique asset ID. Every texture or decal image that you create and import to Roblox must adhere to the Community ...

  • Textures and decals are images you can place on object surfaces.

Textures and Decals | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
Texture Ids For Custom Glove In Slap Battles (2025)


What is the code for the knockoff glove in slap battles? ›

Obtainment. Enter the pocket dimension from Pocket, interact with the lone painting besides the cabinet to reveal a keypad. Input the code "4553293" and press the green button.

Is custom worth it in slap battles? ›

Custom allows you to jump on people and just activate the ability immediately, killing them in an instant. The only con is that it cost robux.

How to edit custom glove slap battles? ›

If you own the gamepass and click on the sign located next to the custom glove, you will get teleported to a place where you can customize your glove.

What is the rarest glove in slap battles? ›

In Slap Battles, the rarest glove is definitely the Flex glove. It's so rare, it might as well be mythical! Trust me, it's the Flex glove.

What does slapple glove do? ›

Slapples are unplayable gloves that were added on August 12, 2022, with their function to give players Slaps, although Slapple farming isn't recommended, as it's slow.

How to get a sus glove? ›

To get the Sus hand in Slap Battles, you need to earn the 'Survivor' badge by being one of the last two players standing in the arena for 10 minutes. Trust me, patience is key! Win official Roblox gift cards by playing games on Playbite!

Is overkill the best glove in slap battles? ›

This is possibly the most hated glove in the entire game due to it being a one-shot that is locked behind a paywall. It's not recommended to use first person with this glove equipped on lower end or low memory devices, as the particles can cause the user's end to lag and/or crash altogether.

Can you get Megarock with a custom glove? ›

Not to be confused with Diamond or CUSTOM, which are gloves that both have similar abilities. MEGAROCK is a badge-required glove, requiring the WHY badge.

What glove makes you spin in slap battles? ›

spin is a hidden, slap-costing glove, added on January 29, 2022, costing an interesting -3. Visually, the glove is dark grey with several black fidget spinners plastered in its texture.

How do you get the glitch glove badge in slap battles? ›

To obtain Glitch, the player must collect a Jet or Phase orb that has been slapped by an Error (This will not work with a Siphon Orb). The orb will have a glitched appearance. Both the Error user and anyone else can collect the orb, granting the badge.

What is the code behind the picture in slap battles? ›

If a player enters the pocket room, they can interact with the lone painting, and input the code "4553293" and press the green button to receive the glove Knockoff.

How to get knockoff glove wiki? ›

Knockoff is a badge glove, requiring the Code Breaker badge to obtain. It was released on April 19, 2024 along with 2 other gloves. The glove resembles a dark hand with stitching on the back and small metal spikes sticking out of the bottom.

What is the code for the keypad on the tree in slap battles? ›

Currently, Slap Battles doesn't have a specific code for the tree. Yes, you read that right! The game's fun lies in exploring, battling, and discovering secrets without straightforward codes for certain items like the tree. However, that doesn't mean your adventure ends here.

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.